Immediate dentures post-operative information

Now that you’ve committed to your immediate dentures, you want the most rapid path to recovery and successful adjustment to your ‘instant’ dentures, as you can get. After surgery to remove your teeth your oral health specialist, whether your oral surgeon or your dentist, will supply you with immediate dentures post-op instructions on how best to achieve this.

Your prosthetist offers additional advice for caring for your immediate dentures and mouth, post-procedure. The following immediate dentures post-op information is a quick reference, accessible from your smartphone tablet or PC. Having a printed copy on hand as well, is a good idea, for those caring for you to consult.

Of course, you can still see your prosthetist if you prefer face to face advice, or if you have pressing concerns. Simply call Northern Rivers Denture Clinic and make an appointment to suit.

The first 24 hours toward healing

We advise leaving your immediate dentures in your mouth for the first 24 hours following surgery. This will protect your tooth sockets, minimise bleeding, and control the swelling. You can expect swelling to reach a peak 2 -3 days after surgery and then subside. Oozing of blood around the denture is normal. Excessive swelling may occur if you remove the immediate dentures before this time, making it difficult to fit them back in your mouth.

After 24 hours remove your immediate denture and clean with the soft brush provided. Gently rinsing your mouth with tepid salty water will assist healing and address bad breath and any foul taste that occurs after having immediate dentures fitted.

What to avoid

  • Do not rinse or gargle during the first 24 hours. After this time, you can gently fill your mouth with warm salty water and hold for 15 seconds before spitting out. Avoid harsh swilling of water around your mouth which will dislodge blood clots and cause bleeding.
  • For the first 24 hours after your surgery, avoid drinking or eating anything too hot, too cold or too hard. A diet of soft foods (for example smoothies, eggs, soups) will avoid uncomfortable pressure on the surgical site and any subsequent possibility of bleeding or pain.
  • Remember, if your lip, tongue or cheek is numb, you’ll need to be especially aware not to chew or bite it.
  • Avoid strenuous physical activity for 72 hours after your procedure.
  • Do not smoke for at least 24 hours after your extractions as delayed healing can result and increase the possibility of complications like dry sockets.
  • Be aware some medications for pain relief can cause drowsiness, so avoid driving or operating machinery while you’re taking them.

Getting some rest

  • On your first night post-surgery, a little preparation will ensure better sleep. Try to elevate your head by using two pillows covered with a towel to catch any seepage or dribbles. Saliva flow is increased until your mouth adjusts to what your brain registers as a foreign body in your mouth.
  • Pain relief in the form of analgesics or anti-inflammatory medications, prescribed by your oral health professional, may be necessary for the first day or two. Taking pain relief before bed will ensure you to get some rest.

Planning ahead

  • Arrange to have someone drive you home after the procedure. This is especially important if you’ve been sedated or taken anti-anxiolytic medication. If this is the case, a responsible adult should accompany you for the remainder of the day until you’ve recovered fully from the effects of the medication.
  • If you are concerned about your progress or you have excessive bleeding, swelling or fever, contact your oral health professional for advice.

What to expect

  • Each day that passes after your procedure is one day closer to being fully adjusted and comfortable with your new dentures.
  • During the coming weeks as your mouth adjusts, your gums and bone will shrink, and your immediate denture will become loose. During this healing period, your denture will need to be temporarily relined several times to compensate for these changes and improve the fit.
  • Northern Rivers Denture Clinic provides the first four (4) soft temporary relines inclusive in the price of your denture. Any sore spots are attended to by your prosthetist free of charge.
  • Once the bone has stabilised, your denture will need to be permanently relined/refitted. This would be at an additional cost.

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We believe in informed decisions. That's why we offer free 30-minute consultations to all our patients, new and existing. During this no-pressure appointment, we'll discuss your denture needs and goals, provide a personalised treatment plan and clear cost estimate, with no obligation to proceed. We want you to feel comfortable and empowered.

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